Friday, July 23, 2010

From the Drive-In

Greetings and salutations and I just logged something here. Today is July 23rd, 2010 and on this day in history astronauts who were the first to walk on the moon started to head back home to Earth. Since then a lot has happened.
Let's start with the fact on the evening of 5 MaY 2010 while I was downtown celebrating so to speak and my fan and cooling system at the old home computer jammed frying the system and ruining one of the hard drives. So in that time I have slowly been working on my brothers upstairs computer while week by week putting the old one through replacement and recovery.

Roughly put I had a terabyte of assorted files on the computer ranging from years of the Bettie Page of The Day pictures, to seasons of tv shows, to dozens of lists made copied and forgotten. For example something that I have kept since 1997 was Christopher Titus's Rules Of Life which I have always found poignent, funny, and honest. Well I had not needed to see it in quite some time and when I had to go through my files to see what could be backed up this is one nof those files I came across. One of thousands of files from over the years. So nostaqlgia slows down the recovery and review process to the point my brother thinks it takes forever and a day to get something done.

So that said the repair replacement and recovery is tenacious at best and only a stop gap untill something else happens.

So other than that what else have I been up to You might ask? Well after Cinco de Mayo we had Victoria Day Weekend with some fireworks, then Anime North filled with lots of costumes, then all the season TV enders and from there we had D-Day memorial at City Hall, the G8/G20 Summit with accompanying riots, the Tall Ships at the Harbourfront, Twilight concerts at Applewood, Dad's Birthday, Paul and Mary Anne's Wedding Anniversary, Canada Day Weekend, Toronto Ribfest, Gay Pride Parade, the RBC Canadian Open Golf Tournament, Toronto Jazz Fest, yuk Yuks just for laughs comedy festival, free concerts from Chakka Khan, Macy Gray, and Cyndi Lauper, not to mention the Global Groves at Yonge-Dundas Square, and then we had the Honda Indy which was free on the friday, which leads to Caribanna and Lord John Graves Simcoe Day next weekend.

Yes no matter what I do try to keep busy. After all idle hands are the devil's playthings I do believe. It's odd the building management decided that selected units would get kitchen and bathroom remodeling. So for the week of the G20 Riots and my Dad's Birthday they tore up and out the kitchen. Everything was either boxed and sent down to the basement or moved to the dining room table or the counter that was shifted next to the computer in the living room. It made things very crowded, cramped, and creepy. There were a few days were we couldn't cook anything since the stove and oven could not be plugged in. They changed the lights to fluorescents which means that it's supposed to save energy except they literally take a two second count to come on after you flip the switch and they are sealed in their covers. By sealing them in their covers it's to make them safer except fluorescent burn out after a couple of years and the cover is going to collect dust non-stop during that time. when they do burn out we have to call the superintendent to change a light-bulb. Sheeesh. Now I could mention they didn't measure things in the kitchen properly and the counter is half a foot too short or the cupboards are too high for mum to reach anything other than the bottom shelf or that you can't open up any two side by side cupboard doors or you'll rip them off their hinges or that they don't hang properly on their hinges to begin with is really something but I am not one to complain. ;) Lol.

So that's it this time time for me to move on till the next post.