Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Kwanza or Merry Diwali or say what!

Good Evening it is 25th of January 2010 and the fiftieth anniversary of bubble wrap.
So for all those people coming late to the show let me say Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Diwali, Screw you Boxing Day, and a Happy New Year.
What's new? Well let's see where do I begin?
With the family on Christmas Eve I let Dad drive Mark to and from work on his own and had him do some more driving on the days to follow. Unfortunately his work has dried up and he has no where to go except to the Red Cabin or the 401 Dinner for breakfast to talk his lack of incoming work with his cohorts. Speaking of cohorts one of them Linda had to stop work at one of her accounts when they failed to meet their registration for their business. Poor repo comapany.
Anyways Dad spends a lot of time sleeping or mini-napping and fretful for his two other problems. You see a couple of days before Christmas he ordered a Universal T-Coder from Apollo-Auto in China. Nice machine great for short term work. Except the company sent him a machine a couple of levels down that is basically a key cloner. Great if you are copying keys not so great for cutting fresh new keys. Also it's a 33% price difference. So Pops has sent a few e-mails and gotten no response from the company. That's problem number one.
Problem number two is that Dad has gotten no response from Scouts Canada as to why he was forced in to the position of Scouter At Large an enforced retirement from Scouting from the past 36 years well 33 officially. They gave him a little ceremony yesterday during the church service and I put $5 on the collection plate but I noticed that the minister Cora didn't pose for any pictures with Dad afterward in spite her asking him to walk out the aisle with her and shaking hands farewell as people left. Well now that Dad isn't involved in Cubs he finds himself restless with no camps to plan or lessons to gather especially on Tuesday evenings. He almost dragged me to see Alvin & The Chipmunks The Squeakuel. Almost.
Okay so that's Dad what about Mum? Well Mother has been Mother sticking around the house. She got all prepared to leave to see Dad get his presentation that she bailed 5 minutes before we were due to leave. She says she doesn't think he could hold a civil tongue during the event. Mother just got a clean bill of health last Friday from the Pacemaker clinic. She also had me drive her all the way up Erin Mills to see one of the last Grand & Toy stores around. She was disappointed at how small or bare the store was. For Christmas Eve we had Paul and Mary-Anne over for a dinner of Roast Beef that Mom would cook up. On Christmas Day she cooked a Turkey. For New Year's Eve she ordered in Chinese food from Golden Wok she left Mark's order of General Tso's Chicken but since Mark was with me when we picked it up we added it to the order. Last week she had seen the 4 Litre bags of chocolate milk on sale at Price Chopper and she had me pick up 7 bags Tuesday and Wednesday that were totally gone by Sunday. That's all the out o the ordinary eating and celebratory meals. Oh wait I had my first trip through the McDonald's Skymark drive-thru where she had a hamburger and fries and I had a large fries and the worst veggie burger. ever. under toasted bun and burnt patty that tasted like it was nuked then clamshell grilled. There is a reason why it's been year's since I went there. Anyways that was Mum and nothing else is really going on with her except this Wednesday she has her eye doctor tests first in a couple of years.
My baby brother Mark has been peddling along with getting back to college and schedule changes and bad placements. Outside of that he has completed all of his HaloClix Collection finally! Now he is gearing up for all the video games coming down the pipeline. Still hasn't bought into the whole Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 games. His Star Wars book mobile came crashing down after hanging in spot or almost 18 years. Nothing was hurt but the pride the string finally wore out.
And that 's about it for me this time I hope to get back before Flag Day see everyone soon.

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