Wednesday, April 13, 2011

PSP or Toast is popped

So the world is up to for David Riches these days this 13 April 2011? Well it's simple enough I have been off facebook for the past ten days, off e-mail even longer and keeping up with the rest of the world in small tiny bits as a lurker while catching up on backed up downloaded television. Dad had another eye appointment this past week and while traffic was slow going there it was quick getting back and at no time was anyone late for anything. He had a relatively good report except that Dad has to go back in two weeks and this is what upsets Mum he may need botox to keep the extra skin around his eyelids from closing off his tear ducts. Mum thinks botox is only for cosmetics and costs a fortune not covered by OHIP. Whatever.
Mark has been hard at work especially now that the Garden Center has opened. Also hard at work at college. Though he has had a lot more flex time hours lately for classes and hard hours for the Garden Centre. In between he has been catching up on his DVD collections from his birthday. His old PSP burnt out so he got himself a new one. Unfortunately it would not charge up. So Mark took that back and paid more money to get another that also took his Metal Gear Solid
case. At least this one works so he plays Final Fantasy Crysis Core on it in between DVD collections.
he is on an anti-biotic pill for an absyss on his back that has grown to the size of a softball. It's going to pop any day now. I picture the scene of john Belushi in Animal House where he imitates a zit popping.
Mum has been doing the same old same old reading her daily newspapers, listening to the television news, and eavesdropping on everything else in the household. With her radio on the weekends and the election in full swing her opinions have started to creep up the small exaggeration scale. It hasn't caught up to her yet but I have kept an ear open.
Election coverage this year is really washy. You would think that the leader of the opposition would visit his own riding or the neighbouring riding to show support. When Iggy announced his new party riding celebration he has his riding in Lakeshore West and his launch was in Mississauga which I think was crass. When he had a gathering for Toronto nice that he chose Yonge Dundas Square weird he didn't mention his riding. Borys my own member of parliament got a bulletin out right before the election was called with pictures of him at various events all last year. Oddly I do believe he is still in Ottawa with his family and has done no campaigning locally yet. You would think a member of parliament would run some personal campaign to retain his seat but I have seen nothing of him in months. Now his competition Ted, has been calling with virtual town halls. Nice but no connection makes it look like a future failure and no one wants to support a failure. The NDP candidate has no constituency office and has only sent representatives who keep saying look at the pamphlet.
Not much confidence in this election.
Well that's enough this week speak to you all later.

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