Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Billy Joel songs

Egads it's been months and now it's 22 September 2010 the anniversary of the first issue of National Geographic was published in 1888, ITV went live to air in 1955, Debby Boone and Joan Jett and Andrea Bocelli were born, and Martha Corey was the last witch hung at the Salem Witch Trials while this is also the anniversary of the deaths of Marcel Marceau, Dan Rowan, Isaac Stern, it's also the Autumnal Equinox and Trumpet Day. It's also the day after DC Entertainment announce it was closing it's WildStorm Offices and cutting 20% of it's 250 staffers and moving just about everything but the actual comics from New York to L.A. so Warners can make media with it. Zuda the digital comics is gone too. Marvel is streamlining as well but no where near as drastic. So what's been happening in my life? Well Mark has been going for all sorts of medical tests and has returned to college for a couple of days a week. I| have been busy doing the shopping for the family and visiting the local farmer's markets because Mum really enjoys the bacon from the local farmer's market. I have taken pictures everywhere I go which includes those Farmer's Markets and various street Festivals including Taste Of The Kingsway, and Ukrainian Festival on Bloor West not to mention TIFF celebrations downtown.
Then there was Rob. Rob Chin whose Comic Shop I have been patronizing since a month after it opened in April 1987 has decided to close at the end of October this year due to high rents, and diminishing returns. The next nearest place is another 2.5 kilometers away. On top of that Rob's dad died on the Labour Day weekend so he shut the store for a week. It was the week I ordered the newest HeroClix and because Rob's was closed for the funeral the order came went back and they distributors canceled it. I had to make the trek all the way downtown to get my brick of Web Of Spider-man HeroClix. One in five of those clicks were doubles leaving me wanting for 25 others most Super-Rares. On a lighter note in collecting I am only missing 4 figures from the Brave & The Bold set and 9 figures from Hammer of Thor set.
Oh did I mention my very late arrival to the Terry Fox Run at West Deane Park and no spare working batteries this past Sunday? mind you i think i did my best time yet except that by the time I got to the finish line a little after 1pm they had shut down and left for the day. So no one to see me complete the run well walk actually.

What else is happening in my little self absorbed world? I had a Churro at the Ukrainian Festival and it was good but no where worth the value they charged for it as opposed to a true Canadian doughnut.
Halo Reach finally came out and I literally gave up on it 30 minutes after starting. My brother Mark loves it and cannot stop going on about the story.
We also finally visited the OLG Slots at Woodbine racetrack. Most of my winnings were lost by my brother but to be fair I started with five dollars. I know my limit and more than play with in it.
Dad had some real slow days at the beginning of the month and as a result took to infrequent napping which has resulted in starting one program and then asking if it's repeated later in the night so he can see how it ends. I have to tell him no it was on regular network TV alot. I think that's why he's gravitating to AMC and History Channel so much they tend to repeat more than their fair share. Of course it doesn't help if he falls asleep during Death Wish original and awakens during middle of Death Wish Two. Ditto the Dirty Harry films.
Mum is same old stuff. The hair on the back of her head is a nest of one large knot. She refuses to have it seen to and figures it will just grow out. She has the same plans for many months now for me to take her out to a jeweler to get her a new watch band and a new watch battery and earrings. Except I got her some nice gold stud earrings for her birthday last month and she keeps slipping as I got her two different pairs. Then there are places of people she wants to see
(doctors to drop in on out of the blue that she hasn't seen in five or more years) and she backs out of going at the last minute. Although her last minute can drag on for a couple of hours. Just the other day I made Pancakes for breakfast for everyone and she took half an hour to come down the stairs. The actual stairs were less than a minute. It was the get up and go and prep to come down that took most of the time. Oh and there is the paper piles. She goes through the newspapers and cuts out various articles and then piles them up with the fliers and brochures and free weekly magazines and mail and all sorts of other notes that the table is sometimes one big loping pile. After a period of time she goes through it and we end up with a lot of stuff recycled and a bag or three of assorted notes. Okay sometimes it's a manila envelope but still. Sometimes what spurs her to clear the table is company coming or we need to find some important document amongst the piles. It can end with screams of we don't respect her and are mucking her system when we taper or try to straighten things out for our selves. Rarely a good time. More so things need to be done. Maybe that's where I get the hoarding mentality.
On that note the home renovations seem to be as done as they are ever going to be. We had a gentleman come in and take out our upstairs bathroom window screen and returned promptly a week and 5 hours later with the replacement. During that time the window was open and I killed over 17 moths that had flown in to take residence in our upstairs bathroom. They still haven't comeback to repair or replace the toilet paper holder which fell out of the wall the day after they installed it. It took a month after the inspection and the plumber repair to clean up the lobby of the fallen ceiling. The Janitor just dumped the debris from the fallen lobby ceiling out by the corner fence.
What's for the future for me is I think a visit to Peterborough for the Phantasm RPG Convention this coming weekend or a visit to CTV studios openhouse or Woodbine Center mall's 25th anniversary celebrations or maybe a visit to the new studios for Q107 who moved out of the Hard Rock Cafe ten days ago. Then there is ScotiaBank nuit blanche and the following weekend there is the annual Toronto Zombie Walk and Thanksgiving then the Loblaws strike and then two weeks aft5er that my birthday and Halloween. Oh and maybe a trip to visit my Aunt Marilyn and see the Oktoberfest Parade in Kitchener-Waterloo but that will be for another entry.
Well that's all for this time hopefully I won't take so long to make a post in the future.

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