Monday, April 27, 2009

screw ups on documents #291

It's now Monday morning on the 27th of April 2009 the 28th anniversary of Xerox releasing the computer mouse to the public. Two days ago it was the feast day of Saint Mark the Patron Saint of Venice and gossips and wholesalers or merchants or black marketeers and bacon.
So I spent Saturday trying to get through a large part of my facebook account notably Super Poke Pets, myFarm, and Metropolis. I hit upon my 250th facebook friend which is nice but 144 of them are Super Poke Pets Pals and 105 are Metropolis Minders and there is some overlap but not much.
This leaves me with about 25 to 45 school, college, or work friends. It seems like a lot but I don't think I have seen more than a dozen of them in person in the past five years. This makes it really just one big game of tag the chain mail which I am kind of starting to have my doubts about.
It reminds me of a quote which i got from Warren Ellis but was re acredited to Morgan Murphy which is “I feel like I’m from the future. I’m writing this at a cafe at 4am… if you’re reading it, you’ve likely just woken up, you’re pouring yourself a cup of coffee, and trying to figure out if a dismembered whore will fit in your puma duffle bag. (the answer is no)”

Sunday was a day spent getting another couple of e-mails and designing another flyer for my father. My father who gave me a draft of ten lines that included the dates and address of this Spring Camp and nothing else has learned once again to regret it. You see too much freedom and I fill in the blanks like Trip did in the film "Meatballs". This time under activities I placed a breaking bad themed line about learning to roll joints and the difference between Jamaican Mountain grown and Okinagan Valley grown. Which is why I was awoken at 2:30 in the morning and told to correct it. He doesn't say "or else." Dad doesn't have to say "or else." You just do it.

Oddly this time around he hasn't taken to shredding the fake or prank copy right away. I give a couple of days till it catches up to him to do it.

When people ask me How I am doing I say "fine" or "not bad" or "okay" but the reality is if I was really doing well I would say so and go into it not leave it as bad small talk. So when I say to someone tell me more or give me details I usually mean it otherwise I would not have asked for more which is why I said so in the first place. So if someone says to me how are you and I say fine it really means "I am getting by adequately in life while keeping my nose above water and very little else and see no edge of the pool to crawl out from yet but I am still looking but I don't want to get into what the pool of anxieties is made up of or any other factors of life as they seems too pathetic to mention at this point of my failures." How are your a) job, b) finances, c) Home, d) parents/wife/husband/kids/siblings, e) travels, f) accumulations of how great you are? These are things we brand people with like Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs and to me the closer I feel to George Costanza with my balding spot on the top of my head the easier it is to feel life is waiting for a big shock to come my way. It's only a matter of time tbefore I hear the Mother-in-law and new car going over a cliff line. I prefer to be on the optimistic side of things. But don't we all?

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