Thursday, May 21, 2009

Night wandering after the clix

Today is 21 May 2009 and the great actor Raymond Burr's Birthday. It's also Free Ice Coffee Day at Tim Horton's but only in Canada. I got one. My Mum got one. Even my Father got one. Did you get a free Tim Horton's Ice Coffee today?
So let's see last nigh I actually got to play a game of HorrorClix at 401 Games on Yonge Street Last Night. Amazing. No one was sick. No last minute free film premieres. No back and forth documents for Dad. No e-mail reports and replies for Dad. No hit and runs for Mark. No Autograph signings. No freebies of any sort like ice cream or clothes lines. No medical appointments. Nothing delayed last night but me and normal traffic.
So I get there I play my A squad of The Fiend, Evil Leprechauns, Butcher, Archaeologist, and RazorVixen and I got taken apart piecemeal. No one wanted to activate the Fiend so he did a lot of damage to some like Rocchi's team that ate most of the victims and blocked most of mine. Because it was just the four of us it became a game of Last Man Standing and my last man was the Fiend that they took down point by point after Rocchi realized they were taking him out first he made The Fiend activate to do 4 damage. After that they just worked the Mi-Go of Uberman from one angle and the Giant of MacReady from another angle to four attack on my Fiend every round. Just when they eliminated me it took one shot from MacReady's android to eliminate Uberman's Mi-Go. What was really awful was the Butcher I played was darn effective and only once was I able to make a dodge throw yet Rocchi made all but one on his exact same Archaeologist that was frustrating. When the game ended everyone split into totally different directions. It was like something stunk and they didn't want to be around it. Maybe.
Or Maybe we are drifting apart as a group.
Anyways Macready is getting prepped for summer school. Uberman says it was Swine flu with a smirk like it's an in-joke only he knows the answer to. Rocchi is about to be transferred to my neck of the woods. See CGI is being outsourced to India and he either gets 36 weeks severence if he doesn't get a job in that time or he gets to keep his job in a simular position in the Mississauga Creekmore office. So Rocchi is going to ask Andy if there is space in the condo out by Kipling station. I just feel sorry for him having to deal with Mississauga transit.
So with everyone scattered I was free to go my merry way and I did. I visited the World's Biggest Bookstore who are renovating their upstairs. I saw the gang from Hairy Tarantula close up shop for the night. I saw a street magician molest a lady outside the Eaton centre. I saw people enjoying the cafe life at Yonge Dundas Square and actually walked into the Q107 broadcasting booth after speaking with Alex Hindmarch. Digression here but anyone who knows me knows I pick up the free newspapers including a few for Mother like the Hospital News. The problem is some of these papers are not around the corner from my home so I have to seek them out. Where to go when you want something without having to go to far out of the way. Well If I drop mark off at the college I make a side trip to Etobicoke General for the Hospital News but they ran out early this month. Sometimes I can pick some up at the SDM or the nearby clinic at Royal York and Bloor but they too ran out before I got there. So I tried since I was downtown walking down to Victoria and Shutter streets to St Mike's only to find they too had run out. While there I saw these great big posters for Q107 stapled to the lamposts. The ambulance driver there said check with Q107 they should have some more. So I went back to the Mighty Q and waited for Alex to get back only to be told they didn't have any but I can have the one on the post if I wanted. I declined because staples are sharp, pointy, and hard to pry out. That is how I came to speak with Alex Hindmarch and enter the fabled Q107 studio booth. So I march onwards and cross the mid point of the Eaton Centre near the Trinity church and see that the City Grill has permanently closed. Pity it had one of the best off the beaten track patios around. I cross over past the Hydro One place on Bay St behind Old City Hall to Nathan Philips Square and across there back up to Edward Street past the Coach Bus Terminal up Chestnut Street where the first AC or Batteryless Radio was invented and manufactured towards Dundas up another block and over to University avenue where Mary Pickford's bust is and House used to be before the Hospital for Sick kids was built. Surprise I got the Hospital News at the Hospital for Sick Kids then crossed to the center of University Avenue. Now for they unitiated University Ave leads from York St at Front St up to Queen's Park and from King Street up has a boulevard park righ down the center seperating the North and Southbound lanes and amidst that boulevard is various parkettes and statues and fountains. One is Per Ad Astra for fallen airmen, another is for Aparthied, and another is for the all the wars and still another for World War One. The guy who invented the Hydro Electric Turbine has a neat statue where the water flows on either side of himjust South of Queen Street and there are some neat spiral fountains across from the old Armoury. Now the old Armoury is just North of the U.S. Consulate which is sort of across the street from the Provincial Courthouse which oddly is where the the Tamils and Tamil Tiger sympathizers have been organizing their protests against the U.S. for not doing something to end the war in Sri Lanka in their favour of course. Oddly the head of the Tamil tigers was killed last week when the head of the Sri Lanka Military said the was was now over aft 26 year because all the rebels are now dead. Not the Duke boys but if you saw the motion picture you would think the Dukes Of Hazzard had already died. Nevertheless The police were organized just down from the protest, the RCMP were in front of the Armoury, and around the corner was bailiffs and the OPP. The thing was the Tamils were so superbly organized it felt mechanical like high school reading of a shakespeare play I almost expected Mr. Mills to step forward, tap someone on a choulder and say take it from Line 125 act 3. Anyways from there I wandered down to the Four Seasons Place Opera House and had fun riding down to the Subway.
So after all that wandering I made it home at Midnight. And that was my night.
I will tell you about my ride to the St Joe's Hospital to rescue Mom since I have had this open for more than half the day before I got word one down here.

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