Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tourism, Steaks, Persiphone, & class

Okay so today is the 19th of May 2009 and the anniversary of the infamous Marilyn Monroe sings Happy Birthday to the POTUS John F. Kenedy. Well I have yet to see someone top that for a Public Birthday song without getting explicit or some form of Nudity.
So what is happening in the wide wide world of David? Since I last posted here not a hell of a lot has happened. I haven't seen any new films; watched very little television (outside of season finales that is); and generally outside of facebook did very little of anything at all. No watching of fireworks except the 30 seconds of clip repeated on the news. A very bland weekend overall.
Well an acquaintance on Facebook specifically in the Metropolis app game Persiphone, Mayor of Persiphonia is in the hospital for surgery and we all wish her well. She took the game to new levels to posting a blog and an almost daily posting on the humourous life going on in her fictional bipolar city. So I noticed something was wrong when it had been six days of no new posting from her. I left her some quotes finishing with Operation Petticoat. We tend to enjoy the same films. She told me as much after I posted a quote from Bull Durham. I hope she gets well soon.
From that downer moment to another. Mark's summer classes were cancelled due to lack of enrollment as well he had to re-write an exam today. He thinks he did well and is looking forward to taking the classes in the fall since he expects to run with an easier teacher he had earlier this year. Good luck but it means more time to work this summer for him I hope.
Simularily he is getting ready for Anime North this weekend and decided today that he did not need to be booked into the hotel on Thursday night so I took him there to cancel the Thursday night. While he was doing that I visited the old Outback Steakhouse which had all it's Ontario locations close on March 23rd of this year. The place is sealed with a notice on the door. They even took the neon sign down and the Bull Horns. A shame it's gone but it's in an area that had at one time eight Japanese/Sushi restaurants that caved to a market of six steak restaurants and later five pizza places. Le Biffteck left the area a little over a year ago as did Pizza Hut. I remember when there was a Ponderosa and a Mother's Pizza on the same area and they disappeared over a decade ago (twenty & fifteen years respectively) so when adown turn hits it hits hard and when a trend hits it hits the area hard and running. The real problem is they were all along Dixon road Hotel row and I think when you hit a real downturn you have a lack of travelers and when you have a lack of travelers you have a lack of people coming in the area splurging for the finer restaurants. The fake franchise conglam restaurants like Milestones and Montanas have moved into the area so soon you can go traveling and instead of trying an independent restaurant or an independent chain you visit the same Montanas in Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, Montreal and have exactly the same meal in each. Which is a shame because when I took my brother and family to LeBiffteck for the parents anniversary a few years ago my father so enjoyed the steak that the chef came out to hear the compliment. I think he was Humber Grad. You just aren't going to get that with the conglam places not that I have anything against the occasional visit to them they just shouldn't be all the choice.
Oh and one last thing I ended the day with a handful of pamphlets from Tourism in Toronto, Hamilton, Brampton, Waterloo, and others but no Niagara Falls. Did Niagara close museum row again or is there just too much competition from the casino or other places?
Whatever I rarely get to more than one attraction during the summer so lots of luck all!
So see you all later after Dad get's back from Cubs!

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