Monday, May 4, 2009

To go or not to go

Okay the week that was has left my immune system weak and finally caught up with me with the runs today. Star Wars Day May the Fourth be with you.
Okay a week ago I designed a flyer for my father for the Spring Camp and have it go via his e-mail to Charles Chan the Akela and area commish at 3am. So since then Pop gets a few dozen copies made and has them handed out at Tuesday's Cub meeting. The chatter in the e-mails is that they need a flyer so I resend the one I made for Dad and he get's scolded that it's the one made by Jeremy Chan (Charles Chan's Son) and they are looking for a packing list flyer and a cost list.
I take umbrage for someone taking credit for my work or the work I made for my father as well as people unclear on what they want when they want it. I figure karma will interfere and Mr Nichols will probably suffer some severely infectious papercuts at the least.
Mark started his new work schedule this week in the Garden Centre at Loblaws with longer hours and less trips up to Humber college. He spent Wednesday morning and afternoon writing exams and has to go in on Saturday coming up for one more final otherwise he is done until the Summer session. This has come as a disappointment for my mum who enjoyed my travels North waiting an hour or two for baby bro while I went and got intermediate groceries or the newspaper (Ottawa Citizen) from Price Chopper or Fortinos. Speaking of Price Chopper they had a big sale last week of Neilsen Dairy Churned or Novelty Ice Cream 450 to 500ml for $0.99 and I stalked up with a freezer box on 6 of them for later in Summer of which mum ate one in the first two hours in the house, Mark ate a Smarties one in the first night, and I tried to split the other Smarties one with Dad and Mark (before I knew Mark had the other Smarties flavour). So while we stocked up for Summer temptation was too great. That said the remnaining three are hidden in the basement freezer untill July heatwave arrives. I already had desserts planned with brownie mix and cookies to make it look like little towers as seen on the Food Network.
That is making me hungry so I will move on.
I had a coupon for a free movie that expired on Thursday that I wish I hadn't put off. Oddly enough for FCBD (Free Comic Book Day) a friend at the local store (Excalibur Comics 3030 Bloor St West, Etobicoke, ON) offered me a pass this past Wednesday to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine before anyone else. The thing was I just got the bundle for FCBD (Thanks Rob!) when I realized my cup runneth over and I declined since in the past few months I had seen Fast & Furious, Monsters Versus Aliens, and Crank 2 High Voltage and as a result had missed my weekly HorrorClix games as a result. I was not going to mis the finale one for the month.
Oddly enough it was the same night as Baskin-Robbins 31 cent Scoop night and while waiting 45 minutes in line to spoil Mum, Dad, and Mark with Quarterback Crunch, Very Strawberry, and Caramel Truffle Turtle packed in a bag with dry ice to survive the long journey home. Well suffice it to say I ran into Jonathon a fellow HeroClix player who said he had ran into Rocchi who had told him he was just leaving as that night's game was cancelled. So I rushed down and after checking upstairs was told he had received an emil the night before cancelling the game and that I had just missed Paul Rocchi. So I dash away down Yonge Street again and was told I just missed Rocchi at Hairy Tarantula. I had no idea where to go but I figured that why I didn't get the notice of the cancellation was of all the games previously missed. BTW me and the junior at Hairy T's were surprised that Marvel has published not one but two volumes of Essential Dazzler basically collecting all of the character's early career. The reason was Dazzler was not a superhero comic but more of Eli Stone meets Ally McBeal via way of Fame in comicbook form. Wonderful concept but extremely hard to execute which is why while I subscribed to it during the origninal run and enjoyed the variety of artists and themes I had doubts towards the end when it tried to be a hero on the run type series until it was cancelled. Thing is you could pick it up at some stores in the 5 to 10 issues for a dollar bin at some stores. So why release it in an Essential edition? It's just not that good.
Okay Thursday was a day where I spent the time running around first dropping Mark off at work then setching stuff for mum then picking Mark up and running around as his chauffeur to places like Mark's Workwear house, Wal-Mart, Metro, Zellers, No-Frills, Agincourt Mall and an afternoon wasted at Pacific Heritage Mall. I paid for the gas because he wouldn't. I went to the bathroom before we left and when we arrived at Pacific Heritage Mall we went past our destination that was open but he had to go take a wee. We get back and they are closed. So were all their competition closed. One person told me they just went for lunch however we found out an hour later that they had just closed because of anti-piracy police and end of month rents.
So if he had gone before he left he would have gotten them before they closed and we would have left almost two hours earlier than we did from the Pacific Heritage Mall. Particularily he was looking for the imports of anime and not the pirated stuff. Oh well Karma will make it work out some where down the line.
So moving right along Friday was setting up getting prepped for lists for FCBD. I compared why I had received earlier to what was released and found I was short only two items the minimate and the Magic The Gathering package. I showed what I had received already and to Pops and Mark to see if they had any requests and Pops simply read Nancy and Archie and felt that was enough while Mark wanted Savage Dragon and GoldDigger. Much like last year's FCBD I took Dad on the trip to Comics and More, Silver Snail, The Beguiling, Yesterday's Heroes, Atomic Comics, Pendragon Comics, Red Nails II, Grey Region, One Million Comics, and Pacific Gift. I found out from two stores that the Minimate and the Magic The Gathering pack may not or did not ship to Canada. Mind you alot of these places got into the spirit of the day with sales and give aways. The Silver Snail had staff dress as comicbook characters like Dr Manhattan, Silk Spectre, Vigilante, Elijah Snow, Iron Fist, BSG pilot, Indiana Jones, The OC, Stormtroopers, and Sith.
Unfortunately they were running out of comics quick with six titles then four to choose from at the end of the day. Comics & More was giving away free t-shirts if you spent $25 or more and had losts in the bargain bins and very freindly staff. The Beguiling moved the dozen artists and the freebies to the bar next door they just seemed too imposing to approach. One million Comics scrutinized our every move when we came there and limited it to one comic per person unless you bought something. Pendragon basically said buy something and get something simular so if you bought Marvel you got the Marvel FCBD buy DC get the DC FCBD which I though was very limiting. Leon at Hairy Tarantula was giving 1 to 5 comics but it looked like a whim except he was very jolly about it. Man, Leon was enjoying the crowds. Grey Region just sort of said there it is help yourself. Red Nails II bagged it for you at the counter and offered suggestions of what you might be interested in which slowed the line up. Well you get the idea it was a busy day.
As me and Pops finished up the day we had dinner at the Burger King at Dufferin&King and we saw adverts for Star Trek Glasses. We also had our third run in with Toronto FC fans and a highly persistent panhandler. I don't mind panhandlers but no means no and you shouldn't panhandle inside a place of business like a restaurant. ugh. Dufferin & king is significant because my father had a Red Van or sports car going northbound when a southbound car crashed into him wrecking his vehicle and he was late and met my mother later at a YMCA So-Ed where they fell in love. Just shows that karma takes away a vehicle and brings you a lifelong love.
From there I dropped Pops off at home and picked Mark up from Loblaw where I took him to Wendys for a Baconator Classic and a Chill to take home to Mom. They forgot the crackers and the cheese for the chilli so thank you Phillip the manager for completing my order properly.
That last bit was sarcasm.
Sunday was spent catching up with everything I missed on during the previous week.
Today is spent reconciling everything else.
So in the end happy anniverary to the first appearance of Wayne & Shuster on the Ed Sullivan Show, happy anniversary to Margaret Thatcher becoming PM in the U.K., happy birthday to Pete Seeger, happy music day to all the kiddies, and Happy Star Wars Day everyone. Post you all another time.

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